At each monthly General Meeting, sign-up sheets will be displayed for each activity that month. If you are unable to make the monthly meeting you can call the group chairperson and sign up for the event. Details are also published in the monthly newsletter.
Most groups are attended by the Newcomer ladies, but there are several groups that include spouses. There are also evening activities for those unable to join the daytime groups.
If you have an idea for a new group that you would like to see as part of our special interest groups, please contact the Special Interest Chairperson. If there is enough interest and a volunteer can be found to chair the activity, it will be added to the Interest Group list.
Special Interest Group Descriptions
BIRTHDAY CLUB LUNCHEONS: Every three months, on the 4th Tuesday, we celebrate the birthdays during that time period by going out to lunch together. This is a good way to get acquainted. You will receive information for your birthday and also be invited to join to help celebrate the other months. Everyone is welcome to join the Dutch treat lunch.
BOOK CLUB: This group meets the 1st Monday of the month Sept. through May at 10:00 am. If that day falls on a holiday, the meeting is rescheduled to the second Monday of the month. Books are selected by input from all the members of the group. Members volunteer to be hostess for the meetings and light refreshments are served before the discussion. The chosen book is read and discussed by everyone in the group. One person is chosen to be responsible for information on the author of the book and book reviews that have been written.
During December and May, in lieu of a book review, we go out to lunch together. During the summer months, we meet on a “Come If You Can” basis on the first Monday of the month for lunch at a selected restaurant.
BRIDGE-BEGINNER: This group meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Members volunteer to host. If you are interested in learning Bridge, this group is for you. No previous experience necessary to come and have fun. Bridge helps you exercise your brain, so come learn the basics and gain a working knowledge of the game.
BRIDGE-DAYTIME: This group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 12:00 – 4:00 pm at various members’ homes. You should have a working knowledge of bridge to join this group.
BRIDGE-EVENING: This group meets on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00 – 10:00 pm. Members volunteer to host and provide light refreshments. This group consists of players at different levels, and there is plenty of conversation and fun!
BUNCO: This meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm. This is dice game with no prior experience needed. It is a lot of fun and you have plenty of time to converse while playing. Players put in money for prizes each month.
CANASTA-DAYTIME: This informal group meets the second and fourth Fridays of the month from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Members volunteer to be host and serve light refreshments. Canasta is an easy to learn card game, and all are invited to come and play.
CANASTA-EVENING: This group meets on the third Monday of the month 7:00 – 9:30 pm. Members volunteer to host and serve light refreshments. All are welcome!
CHAT AND CRAFT: This group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am at various members’ homes. Each person brings her own project to work on or learn from one another. Projects range from knitting prayer shawls for chemo patients to working to finish a piece in progress. Some members bring articles or ideas to share, or just come to visit. Everyone is welcome, and no skills are required, just your friendship.
DINNER FOR SIX or EIGHT: This group consists of eight people in a four month session. Groups consist of singles or a Newcomer member and their spouse or friend and are grouped randomly by the chair person. Each couple or group of two host a meal at their home or at a restaurant. When at their home, the host chooses and prepares the main part of the meal and arranges for others to bring appetizer, salad or dessert. The group meets from October through January and then new groups are reset for February through May. This group is a good way for husbands to meet members and their spouses and friends.
EVENING IN/EVENING OUT: This group is scheduled to meet the third Saturday evening of each month. The schedule is flexible to accommodate a variety of activities. It does not require that members take turns hosting, and it is a great way for members and their friend or spouse to get to know each other. Past activities have included: bowling, dinner theatre, river boat with lunch, baseball games or just dinner at a restaurant.
EUCHRE: This group meets on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month at 6:30 pm. This is a card game played with the Jacks as Left and Right Bower and following suit. Members take turns hosting in their home and serve light refreshments. New players are always welcome. We are looking for a Chair person.
FLICK CHICKS: This group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month all year long. The movie schedule comes out on Friday and the chairperson will notify you of the choices, times and location. Those interested meet at the movie theatre and either go as a group to one movie or break into separate groups if different movies are chosen.
FOOD, FUN & FRIENDS: This group meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 11:30 am at a members home. The hostess makes Soup others bring appetizers, salads, dessert. Each person contributes $3.00 to cover the cost of drinks and soup.
HAND, KNEE AND FOOT: This group meets on the 1st Fridays of the month 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Hand and Foot is similar to Canasta but is played with two groups of cards dealt to you; one is your hand which you play first and the second is your foot which you continue to play once you have played all the cards in your hand. Members take turns hosting in their home or providing refreshments at someone else’s home.
MAH JONG: Mah Jong is a Chinese tile game similar to gin rummy. It is a somewhat easy game to learn and is taught each time, if necessary. Groups meet the 4th Wednesday from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Members volunteer to host and serve light refreshments.
MIX IT UP MONDAY: This is on the 3rd Monday of the month and consists of a variety of games which are chosen ahead of time. Suggestions are always welcome for games to learn. Dominoes and Poker are favorites of many.
OUT TO LUNCH: This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:30 am. Members choose a restaurant for the month. The chairperson makes the reservation and puts a sign-up sheet with information at the General Meeting. It is a good opportunity to get to know each other while enjoying the chance to try different restaurants in the High Point and adjoining area.
PUSH: This meets on the 3rd Friday of the month at a members home. It is a card game that incorporates similar rules of Rummy.
SHANGHAI: This group meets on the first Wednesday of the month 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Shanghai is a card game that can be played by 3, 4 or 5 people at a table. Each person puts in $1.50 in quarters for the pot. The goal is to acquire sets (3 of a kind) and/or runs (4 same suit cards in sequence) as directed on the score sheet and be the first to go out. A quarter is won for each round, and the low score at the end of play wins the pot.
TRIPS AND TOURS: This group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month or as scheduled. It consists of, but is not limited to, day trips to interesting places in North Carolina. We generally meet and carpool. Past trips have been: Childress Winery, Bob Timberlake Gallery, The Candy Factory, a NASCAR racing garage, Chinqua Penn, and Old Salem, among many others. Suggestions are always welcome. Come join us when you can!
WALKING TOGETHER: Formed for those who like to walk and visit together at various paths and walking areas around High Point. They meet at 9:00 on the 4th Friday, for approximately an hour.